Why Micromanaging is Not Going to Work When Implementing a Marketing Campaign

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 Implementing a Marketing Campaign

It is understandable for you to worry a lot if you have the task of leading a marketing team in a new campaign. If this project fails, everyone will blame you even if you are not the only person who worked on the ads. Given your fears that everything will fall apart when you are not in control, you decide to micromanage.

Before reaching that point, you need to understand that micromanaging is not going to help you or your team. It will only make things worse. You might think that you are on top of everything, but the truth is that you are preventing people from bringing out the best in themselves.

You need to let people move freely

The problem with micromanaging is that you make people around you feel scared. Instead of motivating them to work hard and be honest with their ideas, you try to control them. They fear that whatever they say will be incorrect. They also cannot decide anything without your approval. Your presence in all the discussions might hinder them from coming up with inspiring ideas.

You need to be a part of the team

When you micromanage, the problem is that you seem to be the boss. The team does not see you as someone who collaborates with them. They think of you as someone who keeps saying no to them even if they have great ideas. On the other hand, if you do not micromanage, you send a message that you are part of the team, and everyone can be open about their thoughts with you.

It shows your lack of trust

Micromanaging is also a sign that you do not trust your team members to do the right thing. In a way, it is offensive. Some people want to be trusted by their boss so that they can finish the job on time and with quality results. Besides, you can criticize the plans and provide feedback once you receive the final output.

You can check in once in a while

Just because you do not micromanage does not mean you should leave your team to fend for themselves. You should still be there to check in once in a while. You can ask them about the status of their tasks. You can provide initial feedback or clarify the direction of the team. Your inputs might be necessary to redirect the plan when appropriate. Make sure that you do not enter the picture as someone who is bossing everyone around, but a partner who wants to bring out the best in the team.

You will find it challenging at first, especially when you know that your team is not doing well. Eventually, you will realise that you are not the ultimate saviour in your group, and the people you work with deserve your trust. If they are planning to use a pop up banner stand for the next marketing campaign, you can relax if you have a team who will do the job well.

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