Vertigo is an awful feeling and one which makes you dizzy, unstable, unbalanced and generally a little bit spaced out. Vertigo can occur for a wide range of reasons and it can come on at different levels of severity. After struggling with vertigo I worked someone who is considered to be the best ophthalmologist in order to get to the bottom of where this vertigo was coming from. During that time he put me in touch with a range of health professionals to find the source. As it tuns out there are many reasons for vertigo, and here are just some examples of where it may be coming from.
Vision Issues
The way that the body understands balance is through the use of the eyes, the ears, the brain and the upper part of the torso. IF any of these real are out of shape, your balance may feel as though it has gone off. One of the bets places to start here is with your eyes, and getting your vision checked. If your vision is faltering then you may get eye strain and this could result in you feeling dizzy and spaced out.
Ear Problems
Very often inner ear infections can be linked to vertigo-like symptoms, and this can be discovered very easily indeed, with an x-ray of the head. If you have an inner ear problem then it can be easily treated with antibiotics and you will be back on your feet again with no problems regarding your vertigo feelings.
Nasal Issues
The nose is not always the cause of vertigo but it most certainly does play its part. What you may find here is that if you have inflammation in and around the septum or your sinuses then it could very well be that you have issues which are placing pressure on your eyes and possibly even your ears. The sinuses are all connected and they can certainly play a role in making you feel dizzy and off balance.
Very often we see that people who have had a head injury and who have suffered concussion as a result could be at risk from those vertigo symptoms. If this is the case then the best advice is to rest and recuperate until the symptoms cease. Should symptoms continue it will be important to speak with a neurologist to see if there is any lasting damage there.
It is important that we separate what is considered as a cause of vertigo and what symptoms make those feelings of vertigo worse. For example stressful situations can make your vertigo very bad indeed, but this is never considered as an actual cause for vertigo itself. The final point to make here is about allergy, which can often mean that you have feelings of vertigo. Rhinitis is a common symptom of allergy and that falling up could certainly affect your balance. If you have any more questions about this, be sure to contact your local doctor.